Greeley Stampede - Greeley, CO

Having something fun to do easy at the Greeley Stampede, and has been for m
ore than 85 years! Every day of the western celebration has something for the Northern Colorado community to do. Starting with opening night & July 4Th fireworks, watch as an amazing light show is perform
ed above your head and comes dancing down upon you. The Western Art Show, gaining recognition by from the national art publications, artist's and collector's alike. You will see some wonderful pieces of art and those who created them all for a low price of, free admission. The Daily Parade in the Park, where a longhorn parade rumbles slowly through the park daily at 6:00 p.m. The on July 4Th there is the Independence Day Parade that is enjoyed by more than 80,000 people and starts at 9:00 a.m. So from this list you can see that you will be kept busy and entertained at the Greeley Stampede.

The official website of the Greeley Stampede is -
Daines Ranch Pro Rodeo - Innisfail, AB
The 50Th
Annual Daines Ranch Pro Rodeo will be held the second weekend in June at the Daines Ranch 4 miles North of Innisfail, AB. The rodeo grounds here offers an up and personal feel for all rodeo fans, rookie or veterans. It has some of the best cowboys in the world competing and entertaining the crowds. Last year eight-time world champion cowboy Trevor Brazile showed up and competed. Trevor had never worked a Canadian event before other than the Calgary Stampede. So if the Daines Ranch Rodeo is good enough for Trevor it shows what kind of rodeo event this really is. But it is such a great rodeo because it is put on by cowboys for cowboys. Jack Daines, Canadian Pro Rodeo Hall of Famer, is the backbone behind this event along with his boys and family who have all been part of rodeo for years.

Hope to see you at the Rodeo!
The official website of the Daines Ranch Pro Rodeo is -
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